Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Senior Art + Design Exhibition Awards Presented

Congratulations to Nathan & Ricki ! The 2022 Senior Art + Design Exhibition awards were presented by Dr. Wendy Schaller, interim chair of the Ashland University Art and Design department, on Tuesday April 26 at the Coburn Art Gallery opening reception.
Nathan Langdon & Ricki Denes were selected as the co-recipients for the senior exhibition award presented by the AU Art + Design Department faculty.

Nathan Langdon will graduate with a Bachelor’s degree in Fine Art, with a concentration in Digital Art. He will also graduate with a second Bachelor’s degree in Digital Media Production. He is the son of Dawn and Dave Langdon from Ashland, Ohio. He graduated from Ashland High School, afterwards immediately beginning his college education. During his time at AU Nathan has served as the Video & Graphics producer for the AUTV 20 television station, as well as the Graphic Designer for the AU Men’s Basketball team. He was also an intern at Good Deed Entertainment where he was a marketing assistant and visual effects artist creating promotional video content for their social media. Nathan plans on graduating in the Fall of 2022, and afterwards jumping into a design-oriented career.
Dénes will graduate with a bachelor of education degree in art and a bachelor of fine arts with a printmaking concentration. She minored in illustration and Spanish. A native of Columbus, Ohio, Dénes has worked as an art history and Spanish tutor at Ashland and has been part of art club every year, serving stints as president and treasurer. Her artwork has been displayed in the Student Juried Exhibition four years in a row, winning awards twice, and was inducted into the Phi Sigma Iota honor society (foreign language). Denes held her senior BFA exhibition in the fall semester of 2021.
The Senior Art + Design Exhibition II runs from April 26-May 7, 2022.

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